Senin, 19 Mei 2014


Exercise 35 : Passive Voice
1.      The President was called by somebody everyday 
2.      The other members were called by John
3.      Mr. Watson will call by somebody tonight 
4.      Considerable damage has been caused by the fire 
5.      The supplies should buy for this class by the teacher
Exercise 36 : Causative Verbs Leave 
  1. Leave
  2. Repair 
  3. Typed 
  4. Call 
  5. Painted 
  6. Wrote 
  7. Lie 
  8. Sent 
  9. To Cut 
  10. To Sign 
  11. Leave 
  12. Washed 
  13. Fix 
  14. Published 
  15. To Find
Setelah sebelumnya belajar bahasa inggris sudah membahas tuntas tentang 12 tenses, kini tiba saatnya Belajar bahasa Inggris membahas tentang kalimat pasif (Passive Voice). Jika teman-teman masih bingung apa itu kalimat pasif (Passive Voice), yuk kita simak dahulu contoh di bawah ini. Semoga bermanfaat. Check this out!!!
a. Rini reads a novel (Active Voice)
b. Novel is read by Rini (Passive Voice)
Kita menggunakan Active Voice (kalimat aktif) untuk menyatakan APA YANG DILAKUKAN SUBJECT (pelaku). Di contoh a. Rini adalah subject yang melakukan tindakan 'reads a novel' (membaca sebuah novel). Sedangkan Passive Voice (kalimat pasif) digunakan untuk menyatakan APA YANG TERJADI PADA SUBJECT (pelaku). Di contoh b. Novel adalah subject yang menerima tindakan 'is read' (dibaca)

Singkatnya Active Voice (kalimat aktif) merujuk pada subject (pelaku) melakukan pekerjaan. Sedangkan Passive Voice (kalimat pasif) subject (pelaku) dikenakan pekerjaan.

A. Passive Voice

Dari penjelasan di atas, sebenarnya kita bisa menarik sebuah pengertian mengenai passive voice. Passive voice merupakan struktur kalimat penulisan dalam bahasa Inggris yang mana subject (pelaku) dari kalimat tersebut dikenakan suatu pekerjaan. Passive voice tidak hanya ada dalam bahasa Inggris saja, dalam bahasa Indonesia kita mengenal Kalimat Pasif dengan perubahan yang sangat simple yaitu imbuhan di- / ter-. Misalkan Rini membaca sebuah novel (kalimat aktif) novel dibaca oleh Rini (kalimat pasif). Tetapi semudah itu kah perubahan dari Active Voice ke Passasive Voice?

B. Pola Passive Voice

Perubahan active voice ke passive voice tidak semudah perubahan kalimat aktif ke dalam kalimat pasif dalam bahasa Indonesia.
S + Be + Verb-3 + By Agent
S: Subjek
Be: Tobe
Verb-3: Kata kerja bentuk ketiga
By Agent: Pelaku

Rini    reads    Novel. (Active Voice)
 [S]    [V1]   [Object]
Novel      is          read      by Rini. (Passive Voice)
   [S]    [to be]     [V3]    [by agent]

Dalam pembuatan kalimat passive voice, kita tidak akan lepas dengan yang namanya tenses. Yup, karena dalam penentuan 'to be' pada kalimat passive voice tergantung pada  tenses kalimat aktifnya.

Active Voice
Passive Voice
Simpe Present
He buys a novel.
A novel is bought by him.
Present Continous
He is buying a novel.
A novel is being bought by him.
Present Perfect
He has bought a novel.
A novel has been bought by him.
Present Perfect Continous
He has been buying a novel.
A novel has been being bought by him.
Simple Past
He bought a novel.
A novel was bought by him.
Past Continous
He was buying a novel.
A novel was being bought by him.
Past Perfect
He had bought a novel.
A novel had been bought by him.
Past Perfect Continous
He had been buying a novel.
A novel had been being bought by him.
Simple Future
He will buy a novel.
A novel will be bought by him.
Future Continous
He will be buying a novel.
A novel will be being bought by him.
Future Perfect
He will have bought a novel.
A novel will have been bought by him.
Future Perfect Continous
He will have been buying a novel.
A novel will have been being bought by him.

Example :

B. Kalimat Yang Tidak Dapat Dipasifkan

Sebagaimana kita ketahui bawah hanya active voice (kalimat aktif) yang menggunakan verb (kata kerja) transitif (yang membutuhkan object) saja yang bisa dipasifkan. Misalkan:
He steals the television. (active voice)
the television is stolen by him. (passive voice)
Kalimat aktif di atas merupakan kalimat yang mengandung verb transtif yaitu 'steal' dan objek 'television'. Sebagaimana penjelasan di atas bahwa kalimat yang mengandung transtif verb itu lah yang bisa dipasifkan. Tapi tidak semua kalimat bahasa Inggris bisa dipasifkan. Berikut ini merupakan jenis-jenis kalimat tersebut.